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SRC Task Number
Task Name
Programming Language Based High-Level Specification Frameworks
Task Leader
Task Graphic
Task 1.1/2775.001 Programming Language Based High-Level Specification Frameworks
Task Description

The PIs will take an application-domain focused approach to developing DSLs. They will build the DSLs to provide state-of-the-art high-performance platforms for those domains that can support in full important real-world problems within the domain. These DSLs will include domain specific knowledge for optimization. The DSLs will generate code-targeting accelerators either directly or by targeting a mid-level compiler, which will provide an abstraction for a class of accelerators. As complex programs are developed using perhaps multiple languages, including domain-specific languages (DSLs), the center will develop technologies for cross-DSL optimization, enabling full applications to be efficiently mapped to accelerators. Finally, the PIs will spearhead multiple DSL projects to demonstrate the end-to-end effectiveness of using DSLs to harness the power of accelerators in real-world problem domains.

Benchmarks and Metrics Task

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